Experience of Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations
John S. Strong. Wadsworth Pub Co., Belmont, Ca, 1994. Isbn: 534191649.
G: Used textbook, edges and gutters worn, education written on bottom edge, word blacked out on inner cover, top edge cut off of fep, minor notations and underlining throughout
The experience of Buddhism in South Asia, and The Development of Buddhism Outside India inclds a gudie to the transliteration nd Prounciation of Buddhist terms
John S. Strong. Wadsworth Pub Co., Belmont, Ca, 1994. Isbn: 534191649.
G: Used textbook, edges and gutters worn, education written on bottom edge, word blacked out on inner cover, top edge cut off of fep, minor notations and underlining throughout
The experience of Buddhism in South Asia, and The Development of Buddhism Outside India inclds a gudie to the transliteration nd Prounciation of Buddhist terms
John S. Strong. Wadsworth Pub Co., Belmont, Ca, 1994. Isbn: 534191649.
G: Used textbook, edges and gutters worn, education written on bottom edge, word blacked out on inner cover, top edge cut off of fep, minor notations and underlining throughout
The experience of Buddhism in South Asia, and The Development of Buddhism Outside India inclds a gudie to the transliteration nd Prounciation of Buddhist terms