Anne McCaffrey. Del Rey, NY, 2008. Isbn: 345470052.
VG+: Edges shelf worn
Volume two of the Twins of Petabyee
Ronan and Murel accompany their friend Marmie on her luxury space craft to rescue their friend Ke-ola's family from an uninhabitable planet They arrive to find the planet in the midst of a terrible meteor storm and when they go down to the surface find the survivors have taken refuge underground
Anne McCaffrey. Del Rey, NY, 2008. Isbn: 345470052.
VG+: Edges shelf worn
Volume two of the Twins of Petabyee
Ronan and Murel accompany their friend Marmie on her luxury space craft to rescue their friend Ke-ola's family from an uninhabitable planet They arrive to find the planet in the midst of a terrible meteor storm and when they go down to the surface find the survivors have taken refuge underground
Anne McCaffrey. Del Rey, NY, 2008. Isbn: 345470052.
VG+: Edges shelf worn
Volume two of the Twins of Petabyee
Ronan and Murel accompany their friend Marmie on her luxury space craft to rescue their friend Ke-ola's family from an uninhabitable planet They arrive to find the planet in the midst of a terrible meteor storm and when they go down to the surface find the survivors have taken refuge underground